Participating Departments

Educational Foundations & Curriculum
The Department was created on 8th July, 2011 with split of the former Education Department into four. The former department came into existence in 1968. The Department of Educational Foundations and Curriculum has B.Ed Administration and Planning and B.Ed Adult Education and Community Development as undergraduate academic programmes. The department has seven (7) postgraduate programmes namely, Ph.D and M.Ed Educational Administration and Planning, Ph.D and M.Ed Curriculum and Instruction, Ph.D and M.Ed Instructional Technology and Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE). Visit at:

Educational Psychology and counseling
The Department of Educational Psychology and Counselling, Faculty of Education, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, is one of the four new departments created out of the former Department of Education. The Academic Planning Committee at its 107th meeting held on 18th October, 2007 considered and recommended the creation of the new department. Consequently, the Directorate of Academic Planning and Monitoring presented the recommendation to the 410th meeting of the Senate for its approval. The University Senate approved the creation of the Department with effect from the 2008/2009 session. On the 18th July, 2008, Professor Musa Balarabe was appointed as the Coordinator for the new Department. The National Universities Commission carried out a Resource Verification Visit and approved the new Department in early 2011. Professor Musa Balarabe was appointed the acting Head of the new Department on 8th July, 2011. Visit at:

Science Education
In 1968, when the Faculty of Education was established, the Department of Education became one of its components with staff strength of about seven, mostly expatriates. It was vested with the responsibilities of designing and implementing curricular that led to the award of degrees: BSc. (ed) and BA (ed) degrees. Later on BEd degrees were established which were run based on academic structure of two years. In the course of time, the department grew both in number of academic programmes (both undergraduate and postgraduate) and staff size. At its 441st meeting held on 25th August 2011, the Senate was informed of the NUC’s approval for the establishment of four departments derived from the former Department of Education with the Department of Science Education. Visit at:

Vocational and Technical Education
The Department of Vocational and Technical Education has two programmes; Agricultural Education and Business Education. Originally, the Department started with Home Economics Education programme in the 1976/1977 academic session. A 3-year degree programme in Business Education was started in the 1977/78 academic session. The two programmes (Home Economics Education and Business Education) formed the Department of Vocational and Technical Education. The two programmes lead to the award of B. Sc (Ed) Home Economics and B. Sc (Ed) Business Education. Vusut at:

Chemical Engineering
The Department was established in 1973 initially as the Industrial Chemistry Section of the Chemistry Department in the Faculty of Science. Even though the course structure was very strongly Chemical Engineering, the department was only formally converted to the Department of Chemical Engineering and transferred to the Faculty of Engineering in October 1976. The Department was established with the assistance of the University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands under a ten-year (1972-1982) cooperation program sponsored by the Dutch Government. A link program exists between us in the form of training support from the Netherlands till date. The department has now developed to such a stage where the undergraduate program has been firmly established. The first set of bachelors graduates were produced in July 1977. The department runs a four year (post advanced level) degree program from inception till present. However, in compliance with the Federal government’s new educational structure, the department introduced a five-year (post senior secondary school), course credit and semester system at the beginning of the 1988/89 academic year. Visit at:

Mechanical Engineering
The department of Mechanical Engineering’s core mission is to address the most pressing needs of human society, with a particular emphasis on the fields of energy, transportation and health. It offers you a broad based degree with a sound grounding in engineering science focusing on quantitative, problem-solving, mechanical design and the opportunity to develop communication skills. Our degree programs give students the broad skill set they need to pursue their goals – whether that’s working as an engineer, founding a company, continuing on to a postgraduate study and research, or going to a professional school to study business and management. The department traces its origin prior to the founding of Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. It started in 1955 in what was then called Nigerian College of Arts, Science and Technology, Zaria, under University College, Ibadan, which was affiliated to the University of London: its degree awarding institution. With the creation of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria in 1962, the department got a new syllabus with emphasis on practical training and introduced workshop technology. Since then, it has been both academically rigorous and practically oriented, aspiring to produce "cultured and useful citizens. Visit at: